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Syndicate SD

Syndicate SD is an exclusive crew in the online society ourWorld.  "SD" is the nickname of the crew's founder and leader, Snakedog.  "Syndicate" (as a noun) traditionally refers to a successful group of businessmen working together for a specific goal. This term usually applies to a "family" in the mafia.  With the help of her hand-selcted team, Snakedog plans to make a positive impact on ourWorld's society as a whole and is looking for others who share this passion.


To maintain the image of exclusivity, the initial and pioneer purpose of the Syndicate is to be something elite, desirable, successful, and (most of all) beneficial for ALL involved. Only members with at least three stars will be accepted into the crew. Also (unless arranged otherwise with SD), all existing crew members MUST earn three stars by the third week of each month to remain a part of this circle. These standards are maintained to ensure success.


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